Code Name: Ultimate Rocker
Character: The master of misery bloodbrother
In the BlooDiHood Gang, BloodBrother Sean is deemed the protagonist and founder of the gang. Ever since the death of his parents and having his butler, Alfred Smith, as the only closest guardian in his life, he is blessed of having two close friends, Michelle and Nicole, whom he calls them his Bloodsisters because of the closeness that he has felt with them. He has spent special and wonderful times with them showering from a platonic friendship that he hopes will transcend distance and time in his life. Among the bloodsisters, it is actually BloodSister Michelle who is his favourite Bloodsister in his life due to her emotional vunerability and innocence. For BloodSister Nicole, he knows that she could always take good care of herself at all times the way BloodSister Michelle could'nt. Before the emergence of Cassandra in his life, BloodBrother Sean's whole life is filled with an air of wonderfulness in having the two BloodSisters in his life. The ability and the gift of loving and caring for them make him happy in his life, especially caring for BloodSister Michelle who never fail to make him laugh. The bond of having them together in his life is like living in paradise every second until he found new love, Cassandra, who happens to look like BloodSister Michelle. After the death of Cassandra, BloodBrother Sean abandoned the concept of having the bloodihood relationship as the dominating factor in shaping his life. For him the lost of Cassandra is the lost of everything in his life and thus he refuses to move on but to live every second of his life remembering Cassandra and how he has lost her. With this, BloodBrother Sean torments himself by blaming the death of Cassandra on the only BloodSister that he used to love, BloodSister Michelle. The pain of losing Cassandra only made him blind and more blind each day as he keeps blaming BloodSister Michelle for everything that happened that led to Cassandra's death. The conflict of feelings, the crossing of platonic relationship line, the jealousy of BloodSister Michelle towards Cassandra, the obsession of BloodSister Nicole in reconciliating him with BloodSister Michelle hoping to revive the bloodihood bond and lastly the existence of the BloodiHood Gang itself. Deep down in his heart he also blames himself for having formed the gang. Thinking if he has not done so, Cassandra would have been alive in his life and both his BloodSisters, Michelle and Nicole would not have suffered emotionally and drawn into such a dilemma in life. With all these miseries, BloodBrother Sean is always lost as he clings on with the past and refuses to move on with his life until it is already too late to love and be loved again. If not because of who he is, a tragic ending would not have happened and should have been avoided. If only he could learn to appreciate what power of love and power of forgiveness really mean in life. If only he could remember and realise how he used to love his Bloodsisters before and how his Bloodsisters never stop loving him back.
Character: The master of misery bloodbrother
In the BlooDiHood Gang, BloodBrother Sean is deemed the protagonist and founder of the gang. Ever since the death of his parents and having his butler, Alfred Smith, as the only closest guardian in his life, he is blessed of having two close friends, Michelle and Nicole, whom he calls them his Bloodsisters because of the closeness that he has felt with them. He has spent special and wonderful times with them showering from a platonic friendship that he hopes will transcend distance and time in his life. Among the bloodsisters, it is actually BloodSister Michelle who is his favourite Bloodsister in his life due to her emotional vunerability and innocence. For BloodSister Nicole, he knows that she could always take good care of herself at all times the way BloodSister Michelle could'nt. Before the emergence of Cassandra in his life, BloodBrother Sean's whole life is filled with an air of wonderfulness in having the two BloodSisters in his life. The ability and the gift of loving and caring for them make him happy in his life, especially caring for BloodSister Michelle who never fail to make him laugh. The bond of having them together in his life is like living in paradise every second until he found new love, Cassandra, who happens to look like BloodSister Michelle. After the death of Cassandra, BloodBrother Sean abandoned the concept of having the bloodihood relationship as the dominating factor in shaping his life. For him the lost of Cassandra is the lost of everything in his life and thus he refuses to move on but to live every second of his life remembering Cassandra and how he has lost her. With this, BloodBrother Sean torments himself by blaming the death of Cassandra on the only BloodSister that he used to love, BloodSister Michelle. The pain of losing Cassandra only made him blind and more blind each day as he keeps blaming BloodSister Michelle for everything that happened that led to Cassandra's death. The conflict of feelings, the crossing of platonic relationship line, the jealousy of BloodSister Michelle towards Cassandra, the obsession of BloodSister Nicole in reconciliating him with BloodSister Michelle hoping to revive the bloodihood bond and lastly the existence of the BloodiHood Gang itself. Deep down in his heart he also blames himself for having formed the gang. Thinking if he has not done so, Cassandra would have been alive in his life and both his BloodSisters, Michelle and Nicole would not have suffered emotionally and drawn into such a dilemma in life. With all these miseries, BloodBrother Sean is always lost as he clings on with the past and refuses to move on with his life until it is already too late to love and be loved again. If not because of who he is, a tragic ending would not have happened and should have been avoided. If only he could learn to appreciate what power of love and power of forgiveness really mean in life. If only he could remember and realise how he used to love his Bloodsisters before and how his Bloodsisters never stop loving him back.