"When someone called Amy Henderson suddenly appeared in his life again, no one would have thought that his past will return and haunt him again. It was a past that was never meant to be forgotten from a tragedy that was never meant to happen..."

Written 13 years ago by Rorne Tan and initiated by the defunct Rockers Theatre.
This is a story written more than a decade ago. The spirit of Cassandra and the power of the rocky Bloodsister Michelle could still be felt in my heart. No one can deny the blood gang song that changed the lives of the characters in this story. The song called "Sweet Child O'Mine" by the famous rock band, Guns & Roses.
While remembering how our favourite and rockies Bloodsister Michelle got her nickname (with the same name as the rock song) and how she rocked the whole world by her beauty and personality, this upcoming film will be the most touching film laced with deep human emotions and real life miseries culminating from one of the most intensified hard core drama scripts I had ever written!
The re-writing of this script is also dedicated to our Bloodsister Michelle, someone we always remember in our hearts as...
...The Impeccable Beauty.
Luv always,
Director Rorne